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Which Battery Lasts Longest Alkaline

by | Mar 21, 2020 | All, Batteries, Review | 0 comments

Which Alkaline Battery Last The Longest?

Alkaline Battery Test – Who Has The Best Alkaline Battery

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

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alkaline battery test alkaline battery test[/caption]

Rayovac® Brand Battery lasts as long as Duracell® Coppertop and Energizer Max® based on official ANSI performance testing. ANSI standards are developed and used by all the leading battery manufacturers to best test, regulate and simulate consumer confidence and experiences.

It is always best when implementing alkaline batteries testing of your own battery brand, always utilize the ANSI standard tests for consist ant relevant product results. It is always recommended that you utilize a highly qualified battery testing house. Rayovac will recommend or utilize the Rayovac standard battery testing facility upon request.

Device product testing is highly inaccurate if not done correctly and very very expensive to do correctly. The most common real life alkaline battery flashlight test is a continuous drain test that doesn’t always properly demonstrate consumer usage. Most batteries are usually not manufactured to perform this way for this particular reason.

Learn more about ANSI here:


1. Who determines the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) alkaline battery test standard.

Standard ANSI Battery performance standards are set by of five official committees with major participation from battery manufacturers, product user groups, and battery interested organizations. The constant participation of these different groups ensures that the tests created are always accurate and dependable for consumers of batteries.

The Five Committees • General Committees: • C18-0 Main committee • C18-5 Safety Specifications (all chemistries) • Chemistry Specific Committees: • C18-1 Alkaline and Zinc Carbon • C12-2 Rechargeable’s (NiMH, NiCd, Li-Ion, Li-P) • C18-3 Lithium (non-rechargeable) Organizations on ANSI Committees • Battery Manufacturers • Device Manufacturers • Interested Organizations

2. What are the ANSI alkaline battery test application tests?

Product battery tests are intended to simulate commonly used consumer for battery powered product devices to always ensure high consumer satisfaction. Both AA and AAA alkaline batteries tests are used in with many product devices ( such as flashlights, radios, cameras) and therefore have many more common resistance drain tests than C, D, and 9V size batteries.

The product service tests are mainly to provide a basis to evenly compare batteries and test different battery types, sizes and brands on common tests that are highly relevant to products used by consumers. They also assist battery operated product manufacturers and designers on how batteries are internally designed. All these alkaline battery tests are regularly updated to ad hear to ANSI standards. This includes D size, C size, AA size, AAA size and 9volt batteries.

alkaline battery test

AA Tests

o Digital Cameras o Photo pulse o Lighting o Toy o Toothbrush o CD/MD players o Tape o Remote o Radio

AAA Tests

o Photo pulse o Lighting o Toy o Cassette recorder o Remote

C Tests

o Lighting o Toy o Portable stereo o Radio

D Tests

o Lighting o Toy o Portable Stereo o Radio

9 Volt Tests

o Toy o Radio o Smoke detector

3. What is the best way to test alkaline batteries?

Valid results are best obtained from a recognized battery test provider or laboratory. We can recommend several test houses. Experienced test labs will perform the ANSI tests as specified, providing independent, indisputable data for marketing and product improvement confirmation. This can be expensive and take a long time. Full ANSI regime can cost thousands of dollars and take 12 weeks to complete all sizes. This includes D size C size AA size AAA size and 9volt batteries. Also See: Compare Alkaline Batteries.

4. Can Rayovac test batteries?

Yes, with our Rayovac extensively battery testing lab expertise, Rayovac can accurately perform ANSI tests, including competitor testing and detailed reporting. The major battery tests are conducted and then reported by some of the best computerized battery test equipment available. Currently, Rayovac has conducted over 16,000 battery test with little room for any error. Rayovac’s battery test results mostly agree well with the major oust side independent recognized professional battery testing laboratories.

5. Are there other ways to test alkaline battery life in product devices?

Yes there are , but they are not as accurate and produce highly irregular results. If you choose to do your own testing at home, they must be controlled by running several different devices and many many test repetitions in order to make positive statistical battery comparisons. This can be very time consuming and expensive. These tests should also be done with intermittent use cycles to be valid such as turning the device on for one hour per day, like the ANSI tests. Without sufficient testing, the data is usually misleading.

We recommend that you always use target devices such as toys, cameras, and flashlights and use multiple devices of the same model (at least 3). Battery powered products can vary as much as 25% among devices of the same make and model, more than the common variance among battery brands. A key issue with testing batteries in this fashion, is that across different brands and models of devices. This type of testing also requires several repetitions of tests of each battery brand in each battery operated device.

Best option to test batteries: ANSI testing done by recognized test providers.

6. What are the continuous use alkaline battery test ?

The continuous use alkaline battery test ( continuous drain test or constant battery burn test) is when you switch on a device and leave it on to compete exhaustion. Batteries should never be tested in devices under continuous power drain. This is not a way that a majority of consumers use batteries. As recognized in all of the regulated ANSI tests, the battery power is drained intermittently, such as 1 1/2 hour per day, to more accurately reflect the way people use the product. Most alkaline batteries are not designed for continuous high power drain use, such as a high wattage LED light. Most batteries are formulated for pulsed power and many daily use periods which is most consistent with regular consumer usage. So, product device testing should always include intermittent drain test schedules in cycles.

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The test is: Which alkaline battery lasts the longest out of the different bran names of Rayovac, Duracell, Energizer, and Eveready?

Our Hypothesis

We predict that the Duracell brand will last the longest because of their advertising claims that no other alkaline battery can beat the copper top.

Our Materials

  1. Four of the same battery type, size and brand of flashlights.
  2. We used two D size batteries from each of the following manufacturers:
  3. Rayovac – Duracell – Energizer – Eveready

Our Procedure

We tested each of the new flashlights by using two test batteries. We then tape labeled each regular flashlight with the battery type brand name and put the different batteries types in each of the marked flashlights.

Before starting the test we will turn on each flashlight at the same time. Them we left them on overnight. We logged the time that we turned the flashlights to the on position. We watched the flashlights until they went out and record the time period. When one flashlight goes out before the other, we insert two more of the same battery types and just waited.

Our Variables

Different brand of batteries is our variable. We controlled the condition of each flashlight.


Our experiment results quickly showed that the Rayovac Brand of Alkaline Batteries outlasted all of the other batteries. The Eveready brand battery lasted only 6 hours and 35 minutes and the Duracell brand lasted 15 hours. The Energizer brand lasted 22 hours and 15 minutes total.

And the big winner: The Rayovac lasted 24 1/2 hours.

The Eveready brand flashlight light went out very quickly and had to replace the batteries quite often. We also observed that when the Eveready brand was going dead it went dim very slowly.

Printable Battery Flyer (PDF)

Brand Duracell Energizer Eveready #2 Rayovac Turned on 9:00 p.m. Fri 9:00 p.m. Fri 10:00 a.m. Sat 9:00 p.m. Fri Went out 12:00 p.m. Sat 7:15 p.m. Sat 4:35 p.m. Sat 9:30 p.m. Sat Total Time
Turned On 15 hours 22 hours
15 minutes 6 hours
35 minutes 24 hours
30 minutes

Our Conclusions

Our hypothesis was absolutely wrong tae Duracell last the longest. We quickly came to the conclusion the the data supports that the RAYOVAC BRAND last longer than Duracell and Energizer. this also proves that even thought Duracell costs more, they do not last the longest.

We suggest to purchase Rayovac over all other brand of batteries. We hoped this helped you out and may save you money in the future. Our goal in conducting the test was to find the best battery for the money and to provide our customers with the most bang for the buck.

Another Independent Test To Find The Best Alkaline Battery for the Money.

I did some battery runtime test with time-lapse photos of UK4AA using 3 different batteries for fun and curiosity of knowing which battery lasts longer.

The three battery brands of AA alkaline batteries were used – Rayovac Maximum, Duracell Coppertop, and Energizer.

This was our results.

First Battery Test Run:
Duracell – 3:20
Energizer – 4:45
Rayovac – 5:35

Second Battery Test Run
Duracell – 3:41
Energizer – 4:35
Rayovac – 5:36

Third Battery Test Run
Duracell – 4:12
Energizer – 4:48
Rayovac – 5:59

Of the three battery brands we tested = The Best Alkaline Battery for the money is the Rayovac Maximum which gives the longest runtime. Additionally, it is the least expensive. (I guess Rayovac doesn’t line its pocket by over charging)

Low-cost alternative to lithium and rechargeable batteries, lasts as long as Duracell Ultra Power, costs less
MADISON, Wisconsin, April 11, 2012 – It can be difficult to keep high-drain devices such as digital cameras running. Technology today drains batteries faster than ever, and it can be tough finding the right match. Lithium batteries, while they often times last longer than regular alkaline batteries, are expensive. That’s where Rayovac’s new Advanced High Energy alkaline batteries come in. German-engineered for high performance in high-drain devices, these batteries are high in performance and low in cost. With the Rayovac name, you know they’re a quality battery you can trust to last. These batteries last up to 30% longer than Energizer Max® in digital cameras. In addition, they last as long as Duracell® Ultra Power – but for almost 20% less. Rayovac utilizes American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”) testing protocol to conduct performance testing. This ensures the most accurate testing of performance possible wherever choosing to use Advanced High Energy batteries – digital cameras, mp3 players, video game controllers or LED Flashlights. “The new Advanced High Energy line showcases our customer-first approach,” said David Scott, Director of Marketing Communications for Rayovac. “Advanced High Energy Batteries demonstrate the exceptional performance, value and reliability of the Rayovac brand.” Rayovac AA and AAA High Energy batteries will be available at Walmart starting April 23rd, 2012. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RAYOVAC IMPROVES ULTRA PRO ALKALINE BATTERIES Rayovac Proven to Last as Long as Competitors Based on ANSI Data Testing
MADISON, Wisconsin, May 25, 2011 
– Continuing its tradition of providing well performing, high value products for its customers that match or exceed competitor product performance, Rayovac announced today that its line of Ultra Pro alkaline batteries now lasts longer than its previous alkaline batteries based upon American National Standards Institute (ANSI) service life tests and more rigorous continuous drain testing applications.
American National Standards Institute Testing
As the voice of the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private non-profit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel in the United States. Rayovac has been proven to last as long as its competitors, Duracell® CopperTop and Energizer Max®, based on the average results of battery testing following the ANSI protocol. From October 2010 to April 2011 production, Rayovac Ultra Pro alkaline batteries have increased performance on ANSI tests by 5% on average in AA, 3% on average in AAA, and 4% on average in size C batteries. Continuous Drain Testing
The Tech Center at Rayovac’s World Headquarters in Madison, WI also conducted continuous drain testing on the improved Ultra Pro alkaline line. Continuous drain testing (AKA “Constant Burn Test”) consists of turning a battery operated device on, such as a flashlight, and letting the device run until the batteries die and the device stops working. The continuous drain test is not included in ANSI testing because it does not reflect the way most batteries are used. However, Rayovac recognizes continuous drain as a common use of batteries in the industrial channel, and has invested significant resources to improve Ultra Pro performance in continuous drain applications. Current Rayovac Ultra Pro C batteries now last 23% longer and D batteries last 11% longer in the continuous drain testing compared with those produced in October 2010. “Product performance is a top focus for Rayovac,” said Kim Olson, Director, Industrial, Government and OEM for Rayovac. “Without high quality performance, we would’t be able to stand behind our brand.” “This product adjustment is a significant improvement in the quality of Ultra Pro batteries and represents the dedication Rayovac has to providing quality products that match or exceed competitor product performance,” Olson said. “The continuous drain application is common in the industrial market so we felt it necessary to allocate resources to increase the amount of time that Ultra Pro batteries can withstand continuous drain.”

Rayovac Improved Ultra Pro – Page Two
In addition to improved performance, Rayovac’s Ultra Pro alkaline line has unveiled new enhanced graphics. Rayovac Ultra Pro alkaline batteries are the #1 selling industrial batteries among top industrial distributors. With their mercury-free formula, Rayovac Ultra Pro alkaline batteries are engineered for professional use with freshness guaranteed for seven years for AA, AAA, C and D; five years for 9V.

At Rayovac, manufacturing facilities perform the following quality checks to ensure customers receive a consistent battery every time.

  • 280 in-process tests are performed on incoming materials and during cell assembly across all seven cell lines.
  • 1,427 process control charts are used to monitor critical battery characteristics.
  • 25 of the latest non-contact (vision, laser, camera) measurement systems are used to assess and inspect alkaline batteries.
  • 125 performance and reliability tests are performed on finished batteries.
  • Every single alkaline battery manufactured is tested for current and voltage twice prior to shipment.
  • Battery performance and reliability is tested at various temperature and humidity extremes to provide aged battery testing.
  • 2,319 AA samples are tested each week while making more than two million AA batteries every day.
  • Product testing is carried out to seven years to ensure acceptable long-term performance.

About Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc.

Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc., a member of the Russell 2000 Index, is a diversified, global consumer products company and a leading supplier of batteries, shaving and grooming products, personal care products, small household appliances, specialty pet supplies, lawn & garden and home pest control products, personal insect repellents and portable lighting. Helping to meet the needs of consumers worldwide, the Company offers a broad portfolio of market-leading and widely trusted brands including Rayovac®, Remington®, Varta®, George Foreman®, Black & Decker®, Toastmaster®, Tetra®, Marineland®, Nature’s Miracle®, Dingo®, 8-in-1®, Littermaid®, Spectracide®, Cutter®, Repel®, and Hot Shot®. Spectrum Brands Holdings’ products are sold by the world’s top 25 retailers and are available in more than one million stores in more than 120 countries around the world.


Spectrum Brands Holdings generated net sales of $3.1 billion from continuing operations in fiscal 2010. For more information, visit


About Rayovac Rayovac is a worldwide leader in battery power and innovation. Backed by a long history of bringing the latest innovations to the marketplace, Rayovac offers a full range of high-performance batteries to meet the power needs of today’s consumers. From long-lasting alkaline batteries to advanced green rechargeable technology to the world’s top-selling, longest-lasting mercury free hearing aid battery, Rayovac’s state-of-the-art products offer more power for the money. The company also manufactures a wide selection of high-quality flashlights. For more information, visit


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